Persoonlijke verhalen – Children Services Programme
‘From being Hopeless to becoming Hopeful’
Winnie Atieno aged 13 years had no hope of being in school having dropped out in 2015 due to economic hardships was identified and benefited from KUAP NFE and reintegrated into formal school in 2017 and continued receiving support is preparing to sit for her final primary level examinations (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education – KCPE). “I am so grateful that KUAP helped me to return to school after I had dropped out due to lack of school fees and uniform and things like books. KUAP gave me full school uniform which has made me look like all other children. My mother was taken for training at KUAP which has made her be a very good mother; I am happy and so grateful for my KUAP teachers and counselors for the way they helped me. I believe I will be able to pass and go to secondary school and will always be proud of KUAP. A few weeks ago I was invited at KUAP and was able to talk through a computer with someone overseas and I was very grateful.”
Transformed life of a 32 year old grandmother!
A single mother aged 32 years living with 11 children in a single room (8 are her biological children and 3 are grandchildren), she got her first born when she was 15 years of age and this first born has so far given birth to 3 children. Three of her children have received NFE services from KUAP and she was recently received a cash transfer of ksh2000/= per month for six
months. She has used this money to start and operate a business which is transforming her life and family, she had this to say; “I am so happy, my life was a total mess, I didn’t know I would ever have capacity to take care of my children and grandchildren, I am doing business now and I can buy for my children what they need from the profits that I am making. I will be able to pay school fees and buy uniform for all my children who will be goin
g to school after COVID-19. Thank you KUAP for helping people like me and for enabling me to start up a business. My children who are still in NFE are happy because the teachers love them and have helped them so much; I believe they
will join mainstream school in 2021 after COVID-19. All I can say is I am happy for what KUAP has done for me and my children because our lives have changed and I know it will keep changing.”
‘Shattered Future being restored’
Flovy Ayuma Masheti aged 16 years was rescued from the streets of Kisumu by a KUAP social worker in December 2019 when she was contemplating committing suicide. Flovy had been defiled by a man. Flovy felt hopeless with a shattered future. Flovy received trauma counseling and a continuum of services including antenatal services from the Health Programme because she was pregnant. God helped her to give birth to a healthy baby and through counseling she is alive and has hope for her future and she is determined to return to school and continue with her education. Flovy’ guardian is ready to help take care of the baby when Flovy returns to school. “I am so grateful for what you have done for me; I would have died now and my baby would have died as well but you talked to me and gave me hope. I know I will not fail in life, I am happy and my baby is okay; I am sure I will go back to school and read hard and will pass.”