Goed nieuws: de Pandipieri-kliniek is wederom geaccrediteerd. Lees hieronder het nieuwsbericht vanuit Kisumu (in het Engels).
Thanks to Wakonyu executive board and KUAP Management for following up on the accreditation of the Pandi Pieri clinic by NHIF. Good news is, the code number has already been issued though the process of approval is still ongoing but will be over soon. Our Beneficiaries will start attending the clinic as early as April for out-patient services. This will save them transport and time plus it will be easier on our side to make follow ups, as a result it will enable us to enhance on the clientele services and monitoring patients’ development. Pandi Pieri clinic is known for its affordable and efficient services/treatment.
Door Pesilah Majiwa & Johan Smorenburg
medewerkers OMA-project